Donate to the campaign

Karen’s aim is to campaign to increase police accountability, and create certainty in the police response, for victims/survivors of sexual assault.

The Karen Iles Sexual Assault Victims Justice Fund has been established with the Sydney Community Foundation. You can make a donation here.

Your donation will support:

1. Independent legal representatives for women and gender diverse people who have been victims of sexual assault. 

This will allow victims to have legal advice on all of the different legal options available to them, to be represented when they report sexual assault to Police, to be represented when trying to hold police to account to investigate the crimes committed against them, and to be represented through the entire criminal, civil and administrative elements of our justice system.

2. Fund the campaign to increase police accountability when victims come forward with reports of sexual assault.

Everyone who has been the victim of sexual assault deserves to have their reports taken seriously, and consistently, by police and our justice system. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Currently, the law in Australia does not impose a duty on police; either a duty of care or a duty to investigate. Without clear duties and minimum standards, investigations about police conduct are difficult. We need a baseline to hold police accountable and independent mechanisms to review police conduct against this duty and set of standards.